Maggot- Musca domestica.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Stacey's All Inclusive Study Guide
Organisms on the Lab Test!
-definitive/reservoir/intermediate hosts
-life cycle
-disease names
1) Entamoeba histolytica - cyst 1-4 nuclei, chromatin dispersed, central and sharp karysome, chromatoidal bar rounded end
- troph: ingested RBC possible, tissue and feces/ cyst: feces
- human
- Eat cysts- invade colon- encyst in colon- cysts passed in feces
- Amebic dysentery, primary amebic meningoencephalitis, amebiasis
- metronidazole
2) Entamoeba coli - Nonpathogenic- cyst 1-8 nuclei, chromatin clumped, eccentric and coarse karysome, chromatoidal bar splintered end
-troph: won’t have ingested RBC or be in tissue- just feces, more centric karyosome/ cyst: feces, 1-8 nuclei
-same life cycle as histolytica but no extra-intestinal inf.
3) Chilomastix mesnili - nonpathogenic- troph: small, look for little tail/ cyst: lemon shaped, about half as big as a giardia cyst
4) Giardia lamblia -tear shaped (smily face), 8 flagella, two nuclei (eyes)/ cyst: oval with four nuclei
-feces, clear background, attached to intestine (cyst only in feces)
-beaver (resevoir)
-fecal/oral- cyst is infective stage
5) Iodamoeba buetschlii-(nonpathogenic)-troph:large, centric karysome(possible early stages of vacuole)/ cyst: large glycogen vacuole
-troph:tissue or feces/ cyst: feces
6) Balantidium coli -40X!!!!- only pathogenic ciliate- troph has cilia
-guinea pig (resevoir)
-fecal/oral with trophs invading intestine
-diarhhea, dysentery
7) Trichomonas vaginalis-undulating membrane, axostyle, 4 flagella, no cyst
-clear slide, undefinitive background
-person to person
8) Trichomonas hominis (pentatrichamonas)- some thing but in GI instead
-feces (only troph stage)
9) Trypanosoma cruzi -trypamastigotes=blood/ epimastigotes in vector/ amastigotes in heart
-amastigote in heart tissue, blood
-reduviid kissing bug= vector
-bug eats blood with trypomastigotes- epimastigotes in midgut- metacyclic trypamastigotes in hind gut- defecates- tryp get in blood again- tissue can turn into amastigotes - then to tryp to get sucked up from blood
-Chagas disease- romanas sign
-drugs are toxic- experimental bug from paper
10) Trypanosoma brucei gambiense -slow acting- no amastigote stage
-tse tse fly
-metacyclic trypamastigotes are in salivary glands instead of hindgut
-African Sleeping sickness-winterbottom’s sign
-1st stage- pentamidine or suramin/ 2nd stage- melarsoprol
11) Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense- fast acting- same as above
12) Leishmania (all species interchangeable)
-just promastigotes and amastigotes- dont’ confuse with trypanosoma epimastigotes
-promastigotes are outside in BLOOD/ amastigote is in macrophages or tissue- can be in non definitive background too
-dogs (reservoir)
-promastigote injected-eaten by macrophage and turn into amastigote-macrophage eaten by sand fly- break out and turn into promastigote
-vector: sand fly- new world: lutzomyia
Old world: phlebotomous
-L. Donovoni- visceral
L. tropic and major- old world cutaneous
L. Mexicana and braziliensis- new world cutaneous
L. braziliensis- mucocutaneous
-pentavalent antimonials like stibogluconate
13) Toxoplasma gondii -bradyzoites in large tissue cysts (slow merozoites)/ tachyzoites when burst out of cysts: quick replicating merozoites, motile, affect other cells, cleared by immune system
-definitive host= cats, humans = intermediate
-infective stage: oocysts (feces) or bradyzoites (meat)
-life cycle?
14) Eimeria species -huge schizonts in tissue (gut)
-sporulated oocysts (infectious)- oocyst (swallowed enters gut)- oocyst releases sporocysts (excystation)- sporocysts release sporozoites- sporozoites invade gut- trophozoite- schizont- schizont releases merozoites (reinfective stage goes back to trophozoite)- merozoites to male and female gametes- developing oocyst- oocyst shed in feces- unsporulated oocyst (not infectious)- *sporulation occurs outside of host, requires days and oxygen
-eimeria bovus- cattle coccidiosis
Eimeria tenella- chicken coccidiosis
15) Isospora belli -unsporulated oocysts in microscope and sporulated cysts on projector part
-infective stage: oocyst
-intestinal coccidiosis, fever, diarrhea
-trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole (sulfa drugs)
16) Cryptosporidium parvum –tiny and circular/ intracellular but extracytoplasmic
-feces or intestine
-oocyst-sporozoite-trophozoite-meront-etc- thick walled oocyst exit host- thin walled enters host
17) Sarcocystis species -EASY- 10X or 40X- huge sacrocysts in tissue
18) Plasmodium falciparum- banana shaped gametocytes(P. Falciparum)
-humans (intermediate host)
-anopheles mosquito(vector)
-sporozoite injected- merozoite- RBC- male and female gametocyte- gametocytes get sucked up- unite in bug- zygote- sporozoite
-stages in mosquito: gamete-zygote- ookinete (invade midgut wall)- oocyst- sporozoite
-stages in human: exoerythrocytic- sporozoite- trophozoite-schizont- merozoite/ RBC- trophozoite- schizont- merozoite- gametocyte
19) Plasmodium ovale- ring stage
20) Plasmodium vivax
21) Plasmodium malariae
22) Babesia bigemina -paired merozoites or maltese crosses
-blood- no exoerythrocytic stage
-boophilus tick: vector- cattle parasite
-human (dead end host)- tick and mice are usual hosts
-massive disease destruction in cattle- anemia and hemoglobinuria
-similar life cycle to malaria but without exoerythrocytic stage
T. cruzi trypomastigote, epimastigote (is actually seen on a clear saline slide)
T. b. gambiense & rhodesiense- trypomastigote in blood epimastigote (saline slide because found in BUG)
Plasmodium falciparum- ring stage, troph, schizont, merozoate, gametocyte. Picture was of vessel near brain.
Babesia microti- merizoites in RBCs. Vector is tick.
Misc. Media (usually saline)
Leishmania- promastigote is in the vector
Trichomonas vaginalis (just a saline slide)- only has troph form.
E. histolytica troph ( in any tissue)
Balantidium coli- trophozoite seen at 40x
T. cruzi- amastigote in heart tissue
Leishmania- amastigote in tissue (not in blood) in macrophages, in any visceral tissue but not in heart.
Toxoplasma gondii- tachyzoites (not in tissue cyst), merizoite?, Bradyzoites are seen inside the tissue cysts (i.e. schizonts) remember they look like the palmagranite!
Eimeria spp.- marizoites in Large intestine, megaschizont big guy
Cryptosporidium- paracytiferous vacuole in lining of intestines
Sarcocystis- muscle tissue seen at 10x
T. gondii- looks like guts with villi, oocytes, gametes seen in cat intestines.
Entamoeba coli cyst (4+ nuclei)
Trypanosoma cruzi- metacyclic trypomastigote (don’t need to identify as metacyclic just as a trypomastigote)
Entamoeba histolytica- troph and cyst seen
Chilomastix mesnili- cyst and troph seen
Trichomonas hominis- troph seen. Only a troph stage
Giardia lamblia- better seen on clear slides tho.
Iodamoeba- troph and cyst stages seen
Balantidum coli- cyst (only in feces), troph (seen in feces and tissue)
Isospera- sporulated/ unsporulated oocysts seen
Cryptosporidium parvum- little pink dots- are the oocysts in feces.